The story of Fotiadis Farm begins in 1925, when Lazaros Fotiadis arrives as a refugee from the historical Pontus in Exochi, Pieria, Greece. Here, on the outskirts of the mythical Olympus, he started the breeding of the indigenous Greek Black Pig, the only pig bred in the entire Greek territory. Since then, our family has been inextricably linked to pig farming and this tradition has now reached the 5th generation.
In 1996, the 4th generation of the Fotiadis family is engaged in the breeding of wild boars and deer. It incorporates a mountain pasture of 300,000 sq.m. next to the stables and applies semi-extensive breeding utilizing the rich vegetation of the pasture.
In 1998, starts to supply AB Vassilopoulos with wild boar and venison meat.
In 1999, Fotiadis Farm collaborates with the Department of Veterinary Medicine of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki where a new chapter begins for the Fotiadis family, combining traditional pig farming with research and science.
In 2000, Fotiadis Farm evolves into a model unit for the education and research of students of the Veterinary School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
In 2005, the 4th generation of the family implemented an investment program for the construction of a modern meat processing factory. Two years later, the company completes another investment in mechanical equipment and production lines for cold cuts.
In 2010, Fotiadis Farm participated in the transnational European program “QUBIC – Animal Breeding: Quality Biodiversity Innovation Competitiveness”, it was scientifically documented that the Greek Black Pig is the “father” of the Mediterranean Black Pigs. Taking up the suggestion of CERTH, the Fotiadis family bought 11 certified sows, whose DNA simulates the DNA of the ancient Greek Black Pig and opened new horizons in the traditional Black Pig breeding.
In 2014, Farma Fotiadis, in collaboration with the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, started the pioneering research program for the alternative diet of the Black Pig with olives. Thus was established the innovation that led to the granting of a Patent for the method of feeding pigs with olives from the Industrial Property Organization (Number 1008709).
In 2023, an investment plan was approved for expansion-modernization and capacity increase of the piggery. As a result, approximately 1.700 animals will be produced in 2024 and approximately 3.500 animals will be produced by 2025.